Saturday, December 3, 2011

Fantasy Flight to North Pole

Keira was invited to participate in United's Fantasy Flight to the North Pole through LPCH. She was super excited about the thought of going on the airplane to see Santa.

United did an amazing job making the kiddos feel special. When we got to SFO Keira got a large penguin, Santa hat with her name on it and a boarding pass to the North Pole. We went through security and headed to our gate. It was a bit overwhelming, even for Keira.

There were a ton of people and local mascots greeting the kids. Keira's favorites were Stomper,
the A's elephant, and the Oden, the tiger from Six Flags.


 After hanging out a bit, Keira and Naveen boarded the plane for take-off.


The flight path included going down to Santa Cruz and then back up to San Francisco, right over the Golden Gate Bridge. Keira was stoked to see the Palace of Fine Arts which she thinks looks like a big ice cream cone. :) The plot twist was when Santa's sleigh got hit by a blizzard and had to land on the plane. The plane decide to head back to SFO and let the party continue there instead. Ironically, Keira was more interested in Bearemy, the big bear who was giving high fives on the plane, and not Santa. 

The highlight for dad was meeting the captain and getting to try on his cool hat.

 When the plane landed, they had the terminal set up to look like the North Pole.


 Keira had fun playing in the "snow" and then we got to meet Mr. and Mrs. Claus before heading home.


 I think our little girl had a bit of jet lag after such a fun-filled day.


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