Friday, December 30, 2011

Clinic Visit... and Baby V2!

There is never a dull moment in our family. We started the day at LPCH for Keira's next check-in with Dr. Effinger. Good news, the increased steroid dose seems to be working. We were all able to see an improvement in her fine and gross motor skills so we are going to hold steady at this dosage for the next month and then reassess our strategy to start weaning steroids again. Then on to my doctor appointment for the baby. Apparently, this little one has a mind of her own and has made the decision that she wants to make her entrance before the new year. I've been having contractions for the last few days and after my appointment the doctor said to head over to Labor & Delivery. It's been a mellow afternoon. Keira was more than happy to go home with Jamie and Maya. She told us she will be back to meet her sister soon. :)