Thursday, December 4, 2008

Galapagos Guessing Game

Now that my belly is starting to show I figured it was finally time to tell the kids at school. Jamie and Rebecca thought it would be fun to play a guessing game with the village. They came up with "clues" for the "surprise".

- something's growing
- it will keep growing
- it will make a lot of people really happy
- it'll be noisy
- we think it'll be kind of light brown
- it will change one family's life a lot
- all of your parents have one of these
- it's oval-shaped and small
- it'll be messy
- it'll sleep a lot

Then they let kids guess.... no one was even close and one child thought it had to be a guinea pig!

The next clue was,

- it's in this room right now, but you can't really see it

Still they were not catching on so Rebecca insisted we all stand up and have the kids look at our bellies to determine who had a baby growing. I'm not sure that worked out as well as she had hoped but the news was out. It was really sweet how excited the kids were for us.