Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Video: Thursday Oct 7 - Gettin' Coordinated with the Girls

Crystal and I have been at home this week working with Keira on her fine and gross motor skills. We've both been amazed at her will power and determination to re-learn many things that she had so recently mastered. One can only imagine how frustrating this would be for an adult, but we continue to be amazed at how little K will not give up, and at times seems completely unfazed by all of this. Her innocence, curiosity, and thirst for discovery have been a strong source of inspiration for us this week.

However, to put this in perspective, we think it is important to share some of these older videos with our friends and family, especially those who were not able to visit in person. It's important because words can only go so far in explaining Keira's OMA symtoms and her struggle. Also, it's important so our friends and family understand where she was just a couple of weeks ago so they can truly appreciate how much she's having to battle back.

This is a video from when we were in LPCH, only 3 days after Keira's surgery, and 6 days after the last video of Keira trying to stand. To truly appreciate this video, the day before Keira's surgery, she was not walking, not standing (even with support), couldn't sit without support, her coordination was severely impaired, she wasn't talking much, and her mood was one of general discomfort. It felt like Keira's general personality was, understandably, simply not there.

As a testament to her stubbornness and determination, on this night having a slumber party with Crystal and Aunt Jessie, Keira got a burst of energy and also started getting some of her strength and coordination back. I think most all of us were pretty happy and pleasantly surprised to see this happen so quickly. You can tell from the video that Keira is still a bit shaky, but she's standing talking more, she has more trunk strength when sitting, and most importantly she's able to take on/off her leg warmers which is a key skill in gauging her fine motor coordination and one that she wasn't able to do just a few days prior.

Also, you get to catch a glimpse of Keira's room (for nearly two weeks) at LPCH which was superbly decorated by Keira's Swat Team of Aunts :)