Monday, October 4, 2010

2:04pm October 4 - Tumor OUT :)

"She's as cute on the inside as she is on the outside" - That's what Dr. Hartman, Keira's Attending Surgeon, just told us after he came to inform us of a successful operation to remove the tumor. The visual inspection indicates that the mass appears to be isolated, and visual inspection of lymph nodes also appear to be normal. Also the surgery was done laparoscopically which means it was minimally invasive which should speed up her recovery as well.

Although this is only the first step, this is GREAT NEWS.

We will be now focusing on helping Keira recover over the next couple of days and see how her OMA symptoms react to this mass no longer being in her body. Furthermore, we expect to get the full pathology report for the mass, lymph nodes, and bone marrow over coming days which will "officially" let us know whether the cancer has remained isolated or if it has spread.

We're hoping to see Keira in post-op within the hour.