Saturday, November 9, 2013

Family Homework + Keira's Thankful Song

Keira was excited to bring home her first family homework assignment. She was more than happy to explain to me that we could do it anyway we wanted but it had to be done as a family.

Keira said we could use whatever materials we had at home... toothpicks, cotton balls, paper, feathers, paint, etc. (I was happy to hear that she was listening to her teacher!)

We talked about it for a while and decided fingerprints would be fun. She thought that each of us should pick our favorite color for the stamping. Not sure if red is really Akemi's favorite color but Keira said it was so Akemi agreed. Keira also told us we each only got 20 fingerprints, however since it was her project she could do more than that (seemed fair).

To give our feather a little more sparkle she decided that the girl prints should have glitter. Naveen tried his best to convince her he should have glitter too but she wouldn't bend on that one!

Our first family feather!


 Also, I thought I would share a song she recently learned at school.