Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

The V's were up early to get prepped and ready for Turkey Day. The girls helped me do some baking in the kitchen. We made mini pumpkin pies and the long time tradition - candy Tom Turkey.

Akemi doesn't look too happy about it, and K is having a cookie for breakfast!Untitled

Naveen was outside getting Grillington ready...
we decided to smoke the turkey this year. Should be interesting.


Jim and Sumita joined us for our day filled with eating, drinking and celebrating all that we are thankful for!  There's nothing like sharing the holidays with friends that feel like family!

Lunch - Carrot/Crab Soup with Salad
Dinner - Beet Salad, Brussel Sprouts, Green Beans, Stuffing, Cranberries and of course, Turkey! Dessert - Mini Pumpkin Pies with whipped cream, caramel or chocolate sauce




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