Sunday, November 4, 2012

MRI, Clinic and Dex Pulse #5

Our visit to LPCH this month fell on Halloween.  Keira was excited to see her doctors all dressed up and totally scored on some extra treats at the hospital.

Naveen and I were just happy to hear that her MRI results came back clear!  Two years and no signs on the neuroblastoma returning!  :)   Hopefully this was Keira's last MRI, however, Dr. Twist felt that to be cautious we should do an ultra sound of her abdomen next fall at three years, as another way to make sure things continue to be clear without putting Keira through the anesthesia part of a scan.
No complaints from us on that one.

We also realized that the last four weeks went by really fast with not much to report.  We did have our yearly follow-up with Dr. Ambler, Keira's neuro-psychologist, earlier this month.  The test results looked good.  Keira is a normal 3 1/2 year old.  :)

Halloween was Keira's first day of her next Dex Pulse which was a bit of a bummer since she doesn't feel her best, but Keira didn't let it get her down.  Thursday and Friday were long days for her but she managed to get through it with some extra sleep and snuggles from her favorite people.

Love our little panda bear!