Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pat and Mary's House

Pat and Mary have always made their nieces and nephews a priority. We grew up spending special time during the summers at their house and knowing that they would be available for celebrations and visits throughout the year. Now that we are all having kids of our own, they continue the tradition by spending time with our families. Keira's first trip to Menasha was back when she was only 100 days old. She claims she remembers it, but I'm not so sure. :)

Needless to say, it was extra special for both of us to have this one-on-one time with them.

Bugsy Duke is one of Keira's all time favorite dogs. She loves looking at pictures of him in California and talks about him A LOT. We have even Skyped with Bugsy so that K could get her dog-fix. Bugsy must be one of the most tolerant Golden Retrieves I have ever met. Keira would talk to him like he was one of her friends and he would never walk away!

She even let him borrow her favorite yellow blanket for his nap.

Taking Bugsy for a walk "by herself" was on the to do list. It was too cute to see him heel right by her side.

Menasha has a wonderful Children's Museum which was just perfect for our energetic 2 year old.

We were all impressed by the giant tomato slide.

The water room was a hit (and she looked pretty cute in her rain jacket)

And once she worked up the nerve she really liked climbing up and going down the heart slide.

We ended the afternoon taking the firetruck for a spin

and maneuvering the crane

Learning how to play London Bridges was on the evening agenda

We also went to the Special Memories Zoo.

Keira enjoyed the petting zoo

but loved the zoo's playground and riding the tire "horse"

At Bay Beach Keira was able to ride the Carousel

and go on the helicopter ride

I think the highlight of her day was riding a real pony named Pokey

but she still wanted to go on the train

and the Carousel one more time before heading home.

What a busy week!

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