Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bulldogs in Batavia

We loaded up two cars and spent and evening down in Batavia checking out the recent Bulldogs Unleashed art exhibit with the kids. It was a lot of fun walking around looking for the next dog on the map.

Luckily for us, the dogs were in close proximity to each other so the excitement didn't wear off until it was time to go home. :)

Papa's favorite
the beatles

Aiden's favorite

Keira liked the dog with the book and the hat
Sherlock Bones

and Colten wasn't so sure...
not so sure...

We had dinner by the river

and made sure to stop at the best popcorn place before heading home.
best popcorn ever

Oh... and as an added bonus we ran into good old Humpty Dumpty at the Batavia LIbrary. Keira was super happy to see that all his pieces were put back together and she reminded him several times not to fall. :)

humpty dumpty too!

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