Monday, March 21, 2011

A Visit from Uncle Rajeev!

Uncle Rajeev came out to SF for a visit this month. Although the weather was cold and rainy, we made the best of his visit by discovering the yummy brunch at Bar Tartine and going to the deYoung Museum for the day. We also did a lot of laughing and playing at home while Naveen cooked us a fancy steak dinner.

Keira really took to Uncle "Rajeem" as she called him and despite Naveen's attempts to have her call him Uncle Little Raj, Rajeem stuck. :)

We made the drive over to Berkley for some Sunday chaat at Viks before we had to say good-bye.

The weekend went by way too fast and we were all sad to drop Raj off at the airport, but as Keira would say, "You come back and play soon!"

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