Saturday, April 17, 2010

London/Day Two

Our second day in London was a bit chilly and the forecast called for rain so we thought a trip to the Tate Modern might be a good choice. Keira loved checking out all the people on the tube and made it her personal mission to say hello to just about everyone. With "hi" being her new favorite word she certainly was in a great position to practice saying it over and over again. It was amazing to see how many people would take time out of their busy day to say hello and give little K a smile. She was our "goodwill ambassador" for the entire trip.

The museum was as spectacular as I remembered it from ten years ago. So much art. It was fun to share the afternoon with Naveen and Keira. We had lunch up on the top floor of the museum in the Cafe - something I would not have been able to afford as a student when I was there last!

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