Sunday, April 18, 2010

London/Day Four

Keira's 1st Birthday Celebration continues...

We spent the morning wandering around in search of City University. For those of you that don't know, I spent the spring semester my Sophomore Year in London. It took us a while to find the University but once we did, it looked exactly as I remembered it. Of course we snapped a few pictures and then it was off to the London Google Office for lunch.

As we suspected the food at Google was quite good and Keira enjoyed walking up and down the halls making friends with all the distracted employees. :) After lunch we headed over to Buckingham Palace so that Keira could check out Queen Elizabeth's digs, but unfortunately Keira fell fast asleep. We did manage to get a family picture so at least we have proof that we took her there!

After a beautiful stroll through St. James Park, we made our way to the Rose Garden in Hyde Park for Keira's Birthday Cupcake. Of course we were the dorky parents who had on party hats and sang "Happy Birthday" in front of a bunch of stranger but Keira loved it and we were able to take some fun pictures.

The day didn't stop there. With our sugar high we thought it might be a good idea to motivate and make our way down to see the London Eye. This tourist trap was not here back when I was studying in London and we heard from a few reliable sources that it was actually pretty cool. It is basically the equivalent of taking an elevator up to a really high building. The pods are made of glass and you have spectacular views of London during your very slow rotation. A bit pricy but worth checking out if you are ever in London.

And after that we were officially done for the day. Keira was ready for bed and we were happy to get some food for "take away"

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