Sunday, October 4, 2009

Road Trippin...

It's 1:30am on Sunday morning and I finally got (most of) my work cleared off my plate (ok, one more conference call at 9:00am and hopefully that does it).

Now it's time to get stoked for the upcoming road trip that's going to take the V's on an epic two week ramble across the Great American West.

As 'Kings of Leon' plays on iTunes, all the prep work is in full swing...
* Loading up the ipod w/ some choice road tripping favorites
* Clearing out memory cards from the cameras to start fresh
* Booking hotels
* Checking the weather
* Planning out the route
* Doing laundry (ok so this is Crystal)
* Packing clothes (so is this)
* Packing snacks (and this)

And all the other goodness that comes with anticipating the roll-out tomorrow morning.

Now Keira's been a pretty good little rambler thus far.

There was the 570 mile trip into and around Yosemite and the Sierras:

View Yosemite in a larger map

Then there was the epic Tour de Keira that took place this summer spanning 3 states and 914 miles over two weeks

View Tour de Keira 2009 in a larger map

And then, just last weekend we took a trip down the coast to El Capitan State Beach which tacked on 630 miles to her little odometer:

View Larger Map

So if you're wondering where we're headed off to tomorrow morning, stay tuned for some updates as our adventure unfolds. As of now, the fresh map of our journey looks like this at mile 0:

View Larger Map