Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday Day 2: Reno - Salt Lake City, 519 miles

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We lit out of reno (Ok, I had to say it) at 5:35am to head out on probably the longest stretch of driving in our journey. The winter weather we saw they day before as we crossed the Sierras had moved into the intermountain states so there was a chance of running into some snow on the way across the Nevada desert as we made our way to Salt Lake City.

Keira was happy to take it all in, feeling the cool desert air when we stopped at rest stops, seeing freshly dusted mountain tops, the vast open spaces of desert valleys and basins, and of course listening to all the new and old tunes that dad had loaded up on the ipod...including some choice faves like the Allman Brothers, Dead, the Byrds, as well as some new (and untested) tunes from Camera Obscura, Memory Tapes, and the Big Pink (these are all still growing on us).

Keira was especially happy about hangin' with her little giraffe:

After 9 hours of driving we arrived in Salt Lake City with the clouds parting and the Wasatch Mountains revealing their recently snow-capped peaks as the sun lingered in the afternoon sky.

Keira got to stretch out on a nice king sized bed as her reward for being such a good little road tripper:

We went out to walk around downtown Salt Lake on a chilly evening, and had a great treat in store for us for dinner. We found a Nepalese/Himalayan restaurant not too far from our hotel and even by San Francisco standards the food was solid. If you're ever in Salt Lake and have a hankering for something exotic, you will not be disappointed with Himalayan Kitchen (we tried the Nepalese dishes: Himalayan Momo, Chilli Chicken, and the Goat Curry and avoided the standard North Indian dishes)

Enjoy some more pics:

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