Saturday, May 9, 2009

First (mini) Road Trip

Even though the weather was rather nasty, Keira wasn't daunted and wanted more than ever to pack up the car for an afternoon drive up the who are we to dash her hopes. Process pushing Mom set an aggressive schedule for departure around 10am, and 3 hours later we were hitting the road. Overcast skies, fog, and misty rain persisted throughout the day giving it a cool and mellow mood. We stopped over in Pt. Reyes Station for burgers and beer, had our first side-of-the-road feeding and diaper change, and then headed down to the B-Game for dinner at the Bhat's after inviting ourselves over. Here are some pics from the day. Also see the bonus videos that I just found on my camera.

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Video: Rollin' Around - Dad giving some encouraging words to little K as she discovers rollability
If you're having a hard time loading the video below, click here.

Video: Tummy Time Liftoff - Dad being a dork watching little K do her big head lift
If you're having a hard time loading the video below, click here.