Wednesday, October 5, 2016

PAA - Dedication to Keira

An update from the road. Yesterday we rode 110 miles through Yosemite valley and dedicated the ride to Keira and kids and families fighting OMS. It was a long, grueling day but a day that we as parents choose to endure. Kids with OMS don't have a choice, their strength in fighting this disease comes not from choice, but from the will to just be a kid. It's humbling to reflect on this during these long days while we ride.

Check out our dedication video below. 
Also, as a team Crystal and I (and our friend Eric) are just $5K away from funding another OMS research grant thanks to your support! If you haven't donated, please consider doing so, we can literally fund another project with your support (100% of your donation will go to research).
Donate to Naveen
Donate to Crystal
With love and gratitude,
Crystal, Keiraand Akemi