Friday, October 2, 2015

Treatment Day #1 - the power of "luv"

Keira is the poster child for someone who knows how to put her brave in front of her scared.

I suppose she's been in practice pretty much her entire life, however, I truly believe that the love and support of her community makes a difference. It's always less scary when you know you are not alone. The outpouring of happy thoughts, prayers, and good wishes go a long way to making all of this "bear"able.

Keira, Brown Bear and Dr. E

Only 1 poke to get the IV in this time - yay!

Grandma and Keira are twins! They both picked out blue today... one of K's favorite colors.

Daddy flew in from Boston and found cupcakes at the airport. Yummy!

Time for an afternoon nap... I think both K and BB are exhausted.

Soraya baked Keira some delicious chocolate chip muffins and drew her this beautiful picture.
Made our morning before check-in a happy one.

Grayson stopped by on his way to school to deliver this sweet note and drop off a bag of snacks to help get Keira through the long day.

Izzy stopped by last night to give K a hug and wish her luck. She also designed this super hero inspired by K... be sure to notice her super power... the power of luv!

A special thank you to Mrs. Gates and the Little Blue Village for the beautiful poster. Keira was happy to see her teacher at LPCH when she woke up from her nap.

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