Friday, October 31, 2014


The girls had a blast trick-or-treating with their friends. We had FIVE Elsas in our group this year! 

Earlier this fall when we were trying to decide what the girls were going to be I specifically asked Akemi first (so she wasn't influenced by her big sister) and immediately she said, "Elsa!" Keira was a little disappointed because she wanted her to be Anna so they could be just like the sisters from the movie. She even thought (for 10 seconds!) that maybe she would be Anna, but quickly decided that wasn't going to work.  :)

When Naveen got home that evening and heard their decision he said, "That's sad, who is going to be Anna then?" In unison they both said, "Mom!"

So this year our family theme was Frozen.

Naveen lucked out with an easy Sven the reindeer costume. I have to give big props to an amazingly creative mom at my school for turning some felt into a beautiful cape.

Thanks Thao, you made two little girls really happy!

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