We are so proud of our little girl!
So much of this OMS journey is over her head, but she just trusts that we know what is best for her. That's a lot of pressure on us as her parents but today we couldn't be happier to be taking this step forward.
Talking about it with Naveen tonight, we realized that Keira's reaction was more subdued than you would think... for her it seems like going off her medication was a non-event. I guess it has just been a part of her daily routine for so long that it doesn't seem like such a big deal to her.
When I asked Keira what she'd like for dinner... anything she wanted... she requested chicken nuggets from Old McDonald. Not the healthiest option but easy enough to accommodate. :)
Keira will need to go in for some blood work in about six weeks to check her steroid levels. It will be important to see if her remaining adrenal gland has taken over the production of the steroids her body needs. Since she has to get a poke, the doctors will also check a few other things to get a baseline on how she's doing in general.
Thank you for all the love, prayers and positive thoughts! We know that they help!