Saturday, October 5, 2013

PAA 2013 - Day 0 - Nervous Energy

We've had a whirlwind end to our training but Crystal and I are now sitting in our hotel room filled with anxiousness about the kick-off of PAA2013 tomorrow morning.  In the past couple of weeks, Akemi, Keira, and Crystal all got sick, Crystal further developed a sinus infection, tried to continue training, I switched jobs at Google, and Keira had her clinic evaluation where her doctors have decided to keep her on steroid pulses for the time being even though we were hoping to be off by now.  Needless to say, it was pretty crazy.

However, as we sit here, having said goodbye to our little girls earlier today (who BTW seem to be just fine with their grandparents), we are truly grateful for everything you have done to help support us through this fundraising effort and those before this.   What you are doing here will have a direct impact on a research grant and hopefully on Keira's OMS some time within her lifetime.  And as Crystal is recovering from her infection and getting ready to ride tomorrow,  we're hoping that we can keep the momentum going into this coming week and surpass our $40K fundraising goal (we're currently at $37K).  First, some quick updates:
  • San Jose Mercury News - See this featured story about Keira's battle with OMS published this morning (some pics included below).  
  • 50% off DODOcase - iPhone/iPad/Android custom, handcrafted in San Francisco.  Anyone who donates $20 between now and LA will receive 50% off!
  • $1000 Anonymous Donor Match - That's right, an anonymous donor approached us and wants to match all donations up to $1000 for this week of the bike ride
For those of you that have already donated, a big thank you.  For those that haven't yet, there's still time this week.  And for anyone who wants to pass on our cause, please do.

Thank you for all you have done, we are truly grateful.
Naveen + Crystal