Friday, August 16, 2013

Locks of Love

Keira has been growing her hair for about a year now and it is l-o-n-g!


She's been anxious to get to the 10 inch mark so that she could donate her ponytail to another child that needs hair. With all our trips to LPCH she's seen quite a few kiddos her age without hair.

 We were lucky that when she was on cytoxin (chemo) she didn't have any hair loss.
 It was definitely a possibility at the time.

 Naveen was a bit nervous about the haircut and Keira said it best,
"Dad it's just hair. It will grow back." How can you argue with that?!

Yay, K!  We're so proud of you!

We hope you'll consider doing something to make a difference today too!

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