Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Dex Pulse #8

Keira made it through another dex pulse this month.  

As many of you may remember, she gets to have chocolate milk with her blue pill since it really doesn't taste very good (even mixed with vanilla yogurt).  The night before the pulse was to start we were talking about how quickly they 28 days had passed this month.  Keira has always handled situations best when we are able to give her a heads up on what to expect.

When Naveen got home from work she said, "Dad, you'll never guess.  It's already time for my blue pill again.  Isn't that crazy!"  She then tried to convince us both that maybe she should just take it now so she could have some chocolate milk.  Thank goodness she likes chocolate milk so much!  

Keira handled the three days better than ever.  She was good at school.  She was mostly cooperative at home in the evenings and was extra cuddly.  We do notice that she's a bit more sensitive and will cry easily.  The one night when I was tucking her in she started to tear up and said that I forgot to say, "Goodnight Sunshine."  I'm pretty sure I remembered to say that the first two times I tucked her in but was happy to oblige.  :)

Our trip to Clinic was a busy one.  We got to see Dr. Effinger, Dr. Twist, Dr. Campen and even Kate was back at LPCH from her maternity leave.  We were very popular.  

Everyone agreed that Keira looked great.  They were also quite impressed by her Valentine's Day cards.  She decorated each card, signed her name, and even wrote out the doctors names.  (OK... she only wrote Dr. E for Effinger but the envelope wasn't that big!) 

This next month we are reducing her prednisone to 1.67ml every other day with the hope of switching her to oral cortisone next month.  When we were at LPCH during Keira's diagnosis the doctors had told us that it takes an average of 18 months to get the kiddos off prednisone.  Our little K has been on prednison for about 27 months.... crazy how fast the time goes, but we still feel that going slowly without a major relapse has been the best decision for Keira.  She is such a happy kid and loves life.

One more funny story.  Every month Keira gets her vitals done before we see the doctors.  They take her temperature, blood pressure, weigh and measure her.  When the nurse measured her height she told Keira, "You can tell your mom you're 91cm tall."  Keira turned around, looked at me and said, "I'm huge!"  Yup... our little peanut has grown 11cm in the last 2+ years... that is huge!