Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dex Pulse #3

Keira is truly a trooper. This past Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were Dex Pulse #3 for our sunshine. After talking with Mrs. Louise, her preschool teacher, we opted for keeping Keira in her normal schedule with the hopes that being at school with her friends would help distract her from how crummy she felt.

 Keira seemed to do OK in the mornings, however the afternoons/evenings were harder for her. I really think that the medication just exhausts her, but with a few extra hugs from her teachers she was able to get through her days at school and we would have very mellow evenings at home with early bedtimes. On Friday night she told Naveen, "I want to go to bed. I'm not sleepy, I'm just tired."

 It's so hard to see her on the medication. She just looks drained and her spunky, happy self disappears for a few days. Thankfully our silly, talkative Keira was back in full force today... and she had lots to say! Dinner was filled with laughter and fun. Keira even taught Akemi to how to put her arms over her head for "Soooooo big!" She said she's going to work on "Peek a Boo" next. :)

After our Clinic Visit with Dr. Effinger and Dr. Twist we are moving forward with another prednisone wean this week. Keira is now on 3.34ml every other day. We're hoping to be completely off the prednisone before 2013. It's crazy to think that she has been on treatment for almost 2 years now! We were also told that Keira's 2 year MRI might be her last. As great as that would be, it also scares us to think that we aren't "watching" to be sure that the cancer hasn't returned.