Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Quick Update

We wanted to let everyone know that Keira's MRI came back clear!  Yay!  

Next MRI is in October. 

Sorry for the delayed update, but we had a little snafu with our domain and we were off-line for the past few weeks.  Thanks to Naveen for getting everything back in working order.  :)

In other OMS news...

We are on the next steroid wean and Keira is down to 3.37ml every other day.  So far things seem like they are going OK.  She's a typical 3 year old... negotiating, challenging authority, pushing for more independence and having as much fun as she can cram into a day.  :)  

We go back to see Dr. Effinger and Dr. Twist on June 15th and at that time we will most likely wean again.  That will be the dosage that we were at last November/December when we noticed the flare so lots and lots of positive thoughts that her body is ready for less medication this time around.  We're obviously feeling a bit anxious about it but we also know how important it is to get K off the prednisone so we will continue to move forward with her treatment and hope for the best.  If Keira has taught us anything in the past year and a half it is that she is a strong and determined girl.  

I am hoping to get some pictures of our girls online soon... they are both growing up so much!

Hugs from us to you!