Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day at the Beach

Keira just loves going to the beach. She spent all Saturday carrying around her pail and shovel, asking if we could go to the beach. Even though we had a million other things to do, how could we resist a cute two year old who just wants to go play?! Well we couldn't. :)

We drove over to Bolinas and just hung out on the beach for a few hours. Keira had a blast building (and destroying) sandcastles, we collected a pail full of rocks, and she even found a tennis ball to play soccer with! Of course she did not want to leave but she did say it was, "a good fun day."

My camera is on its way out but we did manage to get it to take a few pictures. :)

"Look, I found a ball!"

"We can play soccer"

"I can stop it like Maya"

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