Monday, June 20, 2011


Keira went into LPCH this morning for her 9 month follow-up MRI. We were so happy to have the early morning slot and she was in great spirits considering she was not allowed to eat or drink anything since last night. The most challenging part of the day is after she comes out of the anesthesia since she does not seem to comprehend (or care) that she is quite wobbly. Everything is "I do it myself" Luckily, we were able to keep her from cracking her head. :)

We also met briefly with Dr. Effinger since she is not due for her next IVIg treatment for another 5 weeks. The MRI results were in and everything continues to look clear.... no signs of any cancer cells. Yay!

We are, however, still concerned with some of Keira's behavior. She has become quite whiny in the past few weeks. As much as we want this to be "normal two year old behavior" we also do not want to dismiss something that could be a sign of increased anti-bodies in Keira's brain. After much discussion, we all agreed to watch her for the next few weeks and if things don't start to improve with some behavior modification we will most likely increase her steroids again to see if that has a positive effect.