Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hearing Evaluation

Keira went for a Hearing Evaluation this morning. After her Speech Evaluation it was suggested that we also get a baseline measure for where her hearing is at right now. Apparently, chemo can cause hearing loss, and although the amount of chemo she is receiving is low, we agreed that it couldn't hurt to get a baseline.

I was quite curious as to how they can test the hearing of such little children but the doctor certainly knew what she was doing. Everything was a game and Keira did surprisingly well following her directions. Basically, she had Keira wear little earbuds and hold a toy up to her cheek, then when she heard a noise, she put the toy into the container. The other test consisted of the doctor going into another room and speaking to Keira only through the earbuds. Keira was suppose to wait for her to give a direction, ie. point to the ice cream cone, etc. but Keira was a little more distracted without her right there. She then modified the activity and had Keira simple put a puzzle piece into a puzzle when she said she could... wait, wait, ok.

Overall the Evaluation went well. The doctor was impressed with how verbal Keira is and that she was able to play all her games with her since she usually waits until a child is 2 years old. In fact, she said that Keira would move the block to the alternate cheek before putting it in the container if the sound came from the opposite ear. Pretty smart if you ask me!

The good news is that K can hear just fine - which is good for us to know since we are getting to that age where she chooses to ignore us!