Monday, November 1, 2010


Check out the pictures of our little girl this Halloween. Keira wore her butterfly costume in the morning and was a darling little insect!

Although Keira enjoyed fluttering around the house in her tutu, we thought that it was more appropriate for her to be a little ninja in the evening. Keira is one tough toddler and with as much as she has been through in the month of October and the continued treatments that she has to endure, well, it just seemed like a good choice.

Here's a video of little miss ninja trying to do ninja things to a baby swing:

We spent the afternoon with some of her little buddies and went trick-or-treating in the evening. Last year Keira was oblivious to the candy part of Halloween... this year, she totally got it and very much enjoyed her first 3 Musketeers Bar.

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