June was a busy month for us. The end of the school year is always a bit hectic so Mary came out to give Keira a little extra TLC, which of course she LOVED. We were also able to get some home improvements done as Mary helped us to finish the patio. LIving in SF, it is great to have an extra living space, especially one that is full of happy plants.
Nip continues to be Keira's favorite distractions and although he seems suspect he tolerates her love pretty well. If you want proof of this tolerance, check out the video below.
Other June highlights include • discovering the "coolness" of sunglasses • hanging out with little Abhi • a visit from Jaya Aunty and Shankar Uncle from St. Louis • learning how to use a spoon, messy but fun
Keira started kicking a ball early in June - just in time for the start of the World Cup! I was able to catch the action on video one afternoon when I was picking her up from Emy's house.
We have also added some new pictures of the kiddos at Emy's. They certainly look like they have fun together!
After many years of working, Naveen's dad decided it was time to kick back, relax and enjoy life. In honor of his retirement we flew back to St. Louis to surprise him, and boy was he surprised. It was great being able to hang out (even if the heat index was ridiculously high), spend time with family and friends. Naveen and I were even able to get out a few times without Keira, and as much as we love being with her it was nice to have some adult time. :)
Keira and I met Lara, Max, Sam and Chloe over at the Oakland Zoo on our first day of summer vacation. We had a great time chasing the kiddos around, looking at animals, and playing in the children's area. We attempted several times to get a group picture but I am afraid it is almost impossible to get 3 wiggly kids to sit still at the same time!
Naveen and Keira spoiled me this year for my birthday. I slept in until 8am (I know, how is 8am sleeping in but K is usually up by 6am) and then had a yummy breakfast before we headed out for a day hike at Ano Nuevo.
The elephant seals are molting right now so we thought it would be fun to go check them out.
The weather was beautiful and it felt great to be outside for the day.
After our hike we had a gourmet picnic lunch before heading back to SF along Highway 1. We shared some cupcakes from Mission Minis before K went to bed.
Then we enjoyed sushi and champaign to end a perfect day.