The V's went to Colorado to visit Don Gregoria and Alejandra for some winter fun in the mountains and snow. Here's little miss Keira all pumped up on our flight out:
After arriving in Denver, we headed up to Breckenridge to get situated and awaited Greg and Ale's arrival. Naturally, we couldn't just sit still, so we headed out to the main strip get the party started.
The next day, we all went up to the Nordic Ski area and spent a few hours on the trails cross-country skiing. It was Mom & Dad's first time on skis in 2 seasons and Keira's fist time being pulled in the sled. Keira did great taking in the serenity of the mountains while Mom & Dad struggled to find their form. After a while, we were all dialed in and we had an awesome time.
After missing two seasons, Crystal had been anxiously awaiting her return to the mountain. Even after the hiatus, Crystal didn't miss a beat and returned to the mountain to shred it with ferocity...can't you see the adrenaline running through her veins?
Needless to say, we had a great time hanging out with Greg and Ale in Breckenridge.
I've been telling Keira about the magic of the mountains ever since she was born. This past weekend, we headed up to Truckee to decompress and get back in touch with the Sierra Nevadas. Although the hills reminded Crystal and I just how out of shape we are, they did provide us with glimpses of their magic while we went snowshowing on Saturday and Sunday.
And little miss Keira was totally stoked about it all
275 days ago, little miss Keira entered this world and our lives haven't been the same since. It's hard to imagine that she's grown up so much and she just seems to be getting more and more interesting (and cute). To commemorate the day, I thought I'd post two videos that show just how far she's come:
Day 1 - Keira trying to wake up. So peaceful. So quiet.
Day 270 - Keira summoning nature with all her might. No longer peaceful. No longer quiet.
Here are a couple of cute videos from our trip back at Christmas.
It was so much fun taking Keira out for her first sled ride.
Durago is quite the stubborn cat. Not sure if he really liked Keria or if he was just jealous that she was getting more attention. Regardless this is pretty cute.
UPDATE: BTW, as we post back-dated pics, be sure to navigate the 'Recent Posts' on the right-hand side to see older posts.
Well I can say that 2009 was probably our most memorable year on record, for obvious reasons. We are very fortunate to have such a large, supportive, and loving group of friends and family located all over the country (and globe) and as little Miss Keira entered our world this year, we felt overwhelmed by all the support and encouragement we received.
We used this blog as our main form of communication with all of you as we embarked on this new adventure. It has also been a great opportunity for us to chronicle and share many important moments and memories and also take time to reflect on all that is important as we type up these posts.
But, in the fleeting days of 2009, as we balanced family, friends, work and the holidays, the blog took a back seat to more pressing demands of life and we have been tardy in providing pics, videos, and posts.
So as we enter 2010, Crystal and I will be spending these first few days of the new year posting pics and videos from the final days of last year.
With that, I'll leave you with a some pics I just uploaded: "Holiday Card Outtakes".
I learned this year that the Holiday Card is much more heavily weighted in social significance. No longer can we get away with an iPhone pic from the top of some mountain we hiked to. Now, we must take meticulous care in selecting the picture, card layout, design, theme and the all too important "statement" that we make to the world as we proclaim good tidings and wishes to all that are important to us. Among all the other important demands we have as a family now, we can add this one to the list. I also learned that the more veteran families out there think of the holiday card with foresight throughout the year, with each and every pic, considering whether or not it will be a candidate for the important Holiday Card Selection Ritual.
Well, as a new family dad, I did not have this foresight this year, and only in hindsight did I realize that a pic must be selected that represents the Viswanatha family for 2009. After having this linger in the back of our minds for a week or so, Crystal and I spontaneously decided one night to snap some pics by the XMas Tree and after about 30-40 shots, the first one that I took was the one that ended up on our holiday card.
Here are some of the others that made the short list, enjoy: