It was so nice having Grandma out in San Francisco this week. Keira is so relaxed and happy in her Grandmother's arms. It seems like every time Grandma holds her she falls asleep! Mom and Dad have also appreciated all of Grandma's help as we get used to having a little one to take care of. We were sad to see her go but know she will be back!
We can hardly believe that Keira is two weeks old today! It is hard to imagine what our lives were like before she arrived as she has brought such love and joy into our home. Keira and mom both went in for check-ups today. Mom is healing well and little K is up to 7 pounds 10 ounces! This is exciting news as she has now surpassed her birth weight.
Keira was excited to meet her grandparents and Uncle Andrew this weekend. Much of the time was spent admiring their first granddaughter but we also ventured out of the house to enjoy the beautiful weather. Keira went on a walk down to the park to get some ice cream. She also went out to dinner at Fresca for Uncle Andrew's birthday and to brunch at one of her parent's favorite spots, Mission Beach. We have heard that eating out with an infant can be hit or miss, luckily for us she was an angel and slept through both meals. :) Grandpa and Andrew had to head back to Chicago on Tuesday but lucky for us Grandma is hanging out for the rest of the week! Play slideshow - 14
Naveen and I have been enjoying our time at home with Keira. It amazes us how much she is growing and changing every day. As her parents we are easily amused by all the simple pleasures of new discoveries and her infant sounds.
Here are two short videos featuring our little one.
Video: Changing Keira 101 If you're having a hard time loading the video below, click here
Video: Little Miss Hiccup If you're having a hard time loading the video below, click here.
It is amazing that the world feels like it's a prettier place since Keira has arrived. There are flowers blooming everywhere, the hills are green, the sun is shining bright...I think nature's celebrating our baby girl too! Play slideshow - 17 View photos individually
Keira's estimated due date was April 12th - Easter Sunday. We knew there was a very slim chance that she would actually arrive on that day, however, it was fun that April 12th ended up being the day we took her home from the hospital. Play slideshow - 14 Photos View photos individually
Killing time in the hospital waiting to be discharged (going on 3hrs now), I was going through the hundreds of pictures I snapped over the past 3 days (yes I know, I'm a freak), and I came across this picture where I happened to catch little Keira making a funny expression. Now I know that it's pretty clear that Crystal and Keira look more alike in their baby pictures (see below), but it's obvious from this picture that she does seem to be taking after her dad in some regards. Go Keira!
I also found this video of K doing funny things while waking up. Video: "Waking Baby" If you're having a hard time loading the video below, click here.
We've had a bunch of guests and visitors over the last couple of days and Keira seems to be pretty chill with nearly everyone. She really, really likes to sleep, to the point where we're actually having a hard time getting her up to feed. But it has been a godsend for the parents at night (although once again, we've been cautioned against thinking this is normal behavior). I think we actually got 7-8 hours of sleep last night, not continuously of course, but Keira has been amazing in terms of falling asleep instantly.
Pretty crazy to think that this will be our last night at the hospital and tomorrow the training wheels come off. Crystal actually seems to be more mellow about this concept than I am, but we'll figure it out I'm sure (I hope).
Here are some pics and videos from yesterday...pretty much more of the same, but I can't seem to get enough ;)
Last night (Day 2) we got lucky. Keira slept on OUR schedule and we had to actually force her to get up for feeding every couple of hours. She quickly fell asleep right afterwards each time, and two new tired parents were in slumbering bliss. During the day we had lots of visitors, lots of calls, lots of emails, and lots of baby time so perhaps all the activity in only her second day of life wore little K out. I've been told not to build expectations around this behavior. Daddy's also going crazy with his camera and even though the wifi at the hospital was flaky yesterday, I managed to get a few choice photos uploaded so enjoy:
Many people have been making their calls as to whether Keira looks more like Crystal or Naveen. Well, perhaps this will put that debate to rest. Here is Crystal's hospital baby picture from 1978 (left) and one of Keira from just yesterday (right).
Words can't even express what a truly amazing day this has been. All three of us are discovering new things around almost every corner, and even as I sit here at 12:30am typing this up, it looks like Crystal finally deciphered what it is that Keira was so passionately trying to tell us about when she woke us up 30 minutes ago.
We've had such an outpouring of love, support and encouragement from all our friends and family and we're deeply heartened by all of the calls and warm wishes. There has been one common request from nearly everyone though, and that is for MORE PICS ;)
Well, as it turns out, the upload just finished (blame the hospital wifi) so here are some more:
As an added bonus, here's a quick video where Keira's telling all of us about her first couple of hours of life. See if you can tell what she's saying, cause we're still trying to figure it out.
(If this video isn't automatically loading, click here to go to see the video on flickr)
Some pics from a mellow day away at Santa Cruz to celebrate 31 years of me (thanks to the best wife ever). Probably the last night away that we'll have together before the arrival of the little one...crazy.
This last month has been full of anticipation for our little one's arrival. Our weekends have been a time to relax, reflect and enjoy springtime in San Francisco.
The biggest development has been that Baby V is in the breech position. Apparently she wants to hit the ground running. I have gone to several acupuncture/moxibustion sessions to try to change the energy in my body encouraging her to flip, however she seems quite comfortable right where she is.
On April 8th we will go to the hospital in an attempt for Dr. Imig to flip the baby externally. If the attempt is not successful we are scheduled for a c-section later that morning. Considering both her parents came into this world from cecarians she might just be following in our footsteps. Our main concern is not the method of her arrival but rather that she gets here safely. In fact we are pretty excited about the possibility of meeting our daughter tomorrow.